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Setting up your development environment

This page covers how to set up your local environment before developing with Lattice.

Before you begin

Access Lattice using your environment URL: $YOUR_LATTICE_URL/c2. For documentation that includes features to streamline your development process, go to $YOUR_LATTICE_URL/docs. To access an environment, request to join the Lattice SDK developer program.

Get an API bearer token

Generate a bearer token to authenticate to your Lattice environment:

  1. Go to the Account & Security page in Lattice: $YOUR_LATTICE_URL/user-settings
  1. In the Bearer tokens section, click + New Token and enter the following:
    • For Bearer token name, enter a descriptive name for your bearer token.
    • For Bearer token expiration, select an expiration time frame.
    • Click Create to generate and copy your bearer token. After this step, the bearer token will not be visible again.
  1. Securely save the bearer token according to your company's practices.

Publish vessel to Lattice

In your terminal, enter the following command:

curl --location --request PUT 'https://$YOUR_LATTICE_URL/api/v1/entities' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN' \
--include \
--data '{
"entityId": "",
"description": "Quickstart example",
"isLive": true,
"createdTime": "undefined",
"expiryTime": "1970-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"aliases": {
"name": ""
"milView": {
"disposition": "DISPOSITION_FRIENDLY",
"environment": "ENVIRONMENT_SURFACE"
"location": {
"position": {
"latitudeDegrees": 0,
"longitudeDegrees": 0,
"altitudeHaeMeters": 0
"ontology": {
"template": "TEMPLATE_TRACK",
"platformType": "Surface_Vessel",
"specificType": "N/A"
"provenance": {
"dataType": "docs-example",
"integrationName": "quickstart-example",
"sourceUpdateTime": "undefined"
  • $YOUR_LATTICE_URL with the URL you use to access the Lattice common operational picture. For example,
  • $YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN with the bearer token you generated above. Make sure you keep Bearer in your request.

If the request is successful, you get a 200 status response with an empty body: {}.

When refreshing this page, the code sample above dynamically updates values in the following fields to create unique objects in your environment:

  • entity_id
  • createdTime
  • expiryTime
  • provenance.sourceUpdateTime

Verify vessel in Lattice

The previous request publishes a track entity to your Lattice environment. You can verify the surface vessel in your Lattice environment:

  1. Go to your Lattice environment.
  1. Open the Track panel by clicking track-icon Tracks in your environment's left-hand sidebar.

  2. In the Track panel's search bar, find your published surface vessel by searching for the value that you specified in your request.

  3. To center your view on the surface vessel, select the vessel in the Tracks panel and click center-icon Center.

You have successfully made a request using the Lattice SDK and published a surface vessel entity to Lattice.

Install the SDK or generate HTTP SDKs

Decide whether your application will communicate with the Lattice by using the gRPC SDK or HTTP APIs.

Install one of the following gRPC SDKs to connect to the Lattice APIs:

The Lattice SDK uses gRPC and protocol buffers to connect with Lattice APIs. If you would like to see support for a specific language, contact your Anduril representative.