Update the status of a Task.
RequestRequest to update a Task's status.
The updated status.
Version of the Task.
The unique ID for this Task.
Increments on definition (i.e. not TaskStatus) change. 0 is unset, starts at 1 on creation.
Increments on changes to TaskStatus. 0 is unset, starts at 1 on creation.
Status of the Task.
Status of the Task.
Initial creation Status.
Scheduled within Task Manager to be sent at a future time.
Sent to another system (Asset), no receipt yet.
Task was sent to Assignee, and some system was reachable and responded. However, the system responsible for execution on the Assignee has not yet acknowledged the Task.
System responsible for execution on the Assignee has acknowledged the Task.
Any errors associated with the Task.
Error code for Task error.
Task was cancelled by requester.
Task was rejected by assignee, see message for details.
Task Manager gave up waiting for a receipt/ack from assignee.
Task attempted to execute, but failed.
Descriptive human-readable string regarding this error.
Any additional details regarding this error.
Any incremental progress on the Task, should be from the tasks/v*/progress folder.
Any final result of the Task, should be from tasks/v*/result folder.
Time the Task began execution, may not be known even for executing Tasks.
Any estimate for how the Task will progress, should be from tasks/v*/estimates folder.
Any allocated agents of the Task.
Agents actively being utilized in a Task.
Entity ID of the agent.
Author of the StatusUpdate message. Used to set the LastUpdatedBy field of the Task.
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Typically provided if a user is manually managing a Task, or if an asset owns scheduling.
ResponseResponse to an Update Status request.
- exactly 1 linear ring with 5 points (starting corner, 3 other corners and start again)
- each point has the same altitude corresponding with the plane of the rectangle
- each point has the same height (either all present and equal, or all not present)
The updated Task.
Version of this Task.
The unique ID for this Task.
Increments on definition (i.e. not TaskStatus) change. 0 is unset, starts at 1 on creation.
Increments on changes to TaskStatus. 0 is unset, starts at 1 on creation.
Human readable display name for this Task, should be short (<100 chars).
Full Task parameterization, must be a message under anduril/tasks/v*/
Records who created this Task. This field will not change after the Task has been created.
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Records who updated this Task last.
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Records the time of last update.
The status of this Task.
Status of the Task.
Initial creation Status.
Scheduled within Task Manager to be sent at a future time.
Sent to another system (Asset), no receipt yet.
Task was sent to Assignee, and some system was reachable and responded. However, the system responsible for execution on the Assignee has not yet acknowledged the Task.
System responsible for execution on the Assignee has acknowledged the Task.
Any errors associated with the Task.
Error code for Task error.
Task was cancelled by requester.
Task was rejected by assignee, see message for details.
Task Manager gave up waiting for a receipt/ack from assignee.
Task attempted to execute, but failed.
Descriptive human-readable string regarding this error.
Any additional details regarding this error.
Any incremental progress on the Task, should be from the tasks/v*/progress folder.
Any final result of the Task, should be from tasks/v*/result folder.
Time the Task began execution, may not be known even for executing Tasks.
Any estimate for how the Task will progress, should be from tasks/v*/estimates folder.
Any allocated agents of the Task.
Agents actively being utilized in a Task.
Entity ID of the agent.
If the Task has been scheduled to execute, what time it should execute at.
Any related Tasks associated with this, typically includes an assignee for this Task and/or a parent.
Who or what, if anyone, this Task is currently assigned to.
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
Entity ID of the agent.
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
Name of the service associated with this System.
The Entity ID of the System.
Whether the System Principal (for example, an Asset) can own scheduling. This means we bypass manager-owned scheduling and defer to the system Principal to handle scheduling and give us status updates for the Task. Regardless of the value defined by the client, the Task Manager will determine and set this value appropriately.
The User ID associated with this User.
Entity ID of the team
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
The Principal this Principal is acting on behalf of.
Likely only populated once in the nesting (i.e. the "on_behalf_of" Principal would not have another "on_behalf_of" in most cases).
If this Task is a "sub-Task", what is its parent, none if empty.
Longer, free form human readable description of this Task
If set, execution of this Task is managed elsewhere, not by Task Manager. In other words, Task manager will not attempt to update the assigned agent with execution instructions.
Time of Task creation.
If populated, designates this to be a replicated Task.
Time by which this Task should be assumed to be stale.
If populated, indicates an initial set of entities that can be used to execute an entity aware task For example, an entity Objective, an entity Keep In Zone, etc. These will not be updated during execution. If a taskable agent needs continuous updates on the entities from the COP, can call entity-manager, or use an AlternateId escape hatch.
The wrapped entity-manager entity.
A Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) for your entity. If this field is empty, the Entity Manager API automatically generates an ID when it creates the entity.
A human-readable entity description that's helpful for debugging purposes and human traceability. If this field is empty, the Entity Manager API generates one for you.
Indicates the entity is active and should have a lifecycle state of CREATE or UPDATE. Set this field to true when publishing an entity.
The time when the entity was first known to the entity producer. If this field is empty, the Entity Manager API uses the current timestamp of when the entity is first received. For example, when a drone is first powered on, it might report its startup time as the created time. The timestamp doesn't change for the lifetime of an entity.
Future time that expires an entity and updates the is_live flag. For entities that are constantly updating, the expiry time also updates. In some cases, this may differ from is_live. Example: Entities with tasks exported to an external system must remain active even after they expire. This field is required when publishing a prepopulated entity. The expiry time must be in the future, but less than 30 days from the current time.
Human-readable descriptions of what the entity is currently doing.
A string that describes the activity that the entity is performing. Examples include "RECONNAISSANCE", "INTERDICTION", "RETURN TO BASE (RTB)", "PREPARING FOR LAUNCH".
A human-readable string that describes the role the entity is currently performing. E.g. "Team Member", "Commander".
Geospatial data related to the entity, including its position, kinematics, and orientation.
see Position definition for details.
WGS84 geodetic latitude in decimal degrees.
WGS84 longitude in decimal degrees.
altitude as height above ellipsoid (WGS84) in meters. DoubleValue wrapper is used to distinguish optional from default 0.
Altitude as AGL (Above Ground Level) if the upstream data source has this value set. This value represents the entity's height above the terrain. This is typically measured with a radar altimeter or by using a terrain tile set lookup. If the value is not set from the upstream, this value is not set.
Altitude as ASF (Above Sea Floor) if the upstream data source has this value set. If the value is not set from the upstream, this value is not set.
The depth of the entity from the surface of the water through sensor measurements based on differential pressure between the interior and exterior of the vessel. If the value is not set from the upstream, this value is not set.
Velocity in an ENU reference frame centered on the corresponding position. All units are meters per second.
Speed is the magnitude of velocity_enu vector [sqrt(e^2 + n^2 + u^2)] when present, measured in m/s.
The entity's acceleration in meters/s^2.
quaternion to translate from entity body frame to it's ENU frame
x, y, z are vector portion, w is scalar
Indicates uncertainty of the entity's position and kinematics.
Positional covariance represented by the upper triangle of the covariance matrix. It is valid to populate only the diagonal of the matrix if the full covariance matrix is unknown.
Velocity covariance represented by the upper triangle of the covariance matrix. It is valid to populate only the diagonal of the matrix if the full covariance matrix is unknown.
An ellipse that describes the certainty probability and error boundary for a given geolocation.
Defines the probability in percentage that an entity lies within the given ellipse: 0-1.
Defines the distance from the center point of the ellipse to the furthest distance on the perimeter in meters.
Defines the distance from the center point of the ellipse to the shortest distance on the perimeter in meters.
The orientation of the semi-major relative to true north in degrees from clockwise: 0-180 due to symmetry across the semi-minor axis.
Geospatial representation of the entity, including entities that cover an area rather than a fixed point.
An array of LinearRings where the first item is the exterior ring and subsequent items are interior rings.
An extension hint that this polygon is a rectangle. When true this implies several things:
Defines the distance from the center point of the ellipse to the furthest distance on the perimeter in meters.
Defines the distance from the center point of the ellipse to the shortest distance on the perimeter in meters.
The orientation of the semi-major relative to true north in degrees from clockwise: 0-180 due to symmetry across the semi-minor axis.
Optional height above entity position to extrude in meters. A non-zero value creates an elliptic cylinder
Defines the distance from the center point to the surface along the forward axis
Defines the distance from the center point to the surface along the side axis
Defines the distance from the center point to the surface along the up axis
Additional details on what the geospatial area or point represents, along with visual display details.
Engagement zones allow for engaging an entity if it comes within the zone of another entity.
Entity name displayed in the Lattice UI side panel. Also includes identifiers that other systems can use to reference the same entity.
an Anduril trackId_2
an Anduril trackId_1
an Anduril Sensor Point of Interest ID
NITF file title
Track repo alert ID
The best available version of the entity's display name.
If this entity is tracked by another entity, this component contains data related to how it's being tracked.
Quality score, 0-15, nil if none
Sensor hits aggregation on the tracked entity.
Estimated number of objects or units that are represented by this entity. Known as Strength in certain contexts (Link16) if UpperBound == LowerBound; (strength = LowerBound) If both UpperBound and LowerBound are defined; strength is between LowerBound and UpperBound (represented as string "Strength: 4-5") If UpperBound is defined only (LowerBound unset), Strength ≤ UpperBound If LowerBound is defined only (UpperBound unset), LowerBound ≤ Strength 0 indicates unset.
The radar cross section (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is by radar. A large RCS indicates an object is more easily detected. The unit is “decibels per square meter,” or dBsm
Timestamp of the latest tracking measurement for this entity.
The relative position of a track with respect to the entity that is tracking it. Used for tracks that do not yet have a 3D position. For this entity (A), being tracked by some entity (B), this LineOfBearing would express a ray from B to A.
The direction pointing from this entity to the detection
The estimated distance of the detection
The maximum distance of the detection
If this entity has been correlated or decorrelated to another one, this component contains information on the correlation or decorrelation.
This entity is the primary of a correlation meaning that it serves as the representative entity of the correlation set.
The secondary entity IDs part of this correlation.
This entity is a secondary of a correlation meaning that it will be represented by the primary of the correlation set.
The primary of this correlation.
Metadata about the correlation.
If present, this entity is a part of a correlation set.
The ID of the correlation set this entity belongs to.
This entity is the primary of a correlation set meaning that it serves as the representative entity of the correlation set.
This entity is not the primary of the correlation set. Note that there may not be a primary at all.
Additional metadata on this correlation.
If present, this entity was explicitly decorrelated from one or more entities. An entity can be both correlated and decorrelated as long as they are disjoint sets. An example would be if a user in the UI decides that two tracks are not actually the same despite an automatic correlator having correlated them. The user would then decorrelate the two tracks and this decorrelation would be preserved preventing the correlator from re-correlating them at a later time.
This will be specified if this entity was decorrelated against all other entities.
A list of decorrelated entities that have been explicitly decorrelated against this entity which prevents lower precedence correlations from overriding it in the future. For example, if an operator in the UI decorrelated tracks A and B, any automated correlators would be unable to correlate them since manual decorrelations have higher precedence than automatic ones. Precedence is determined by both correlation type and replication mode.
View of the entity.
Ontology defines an entity's categorization in Lattice, and improves data retrieval and integration. Builds a standardized representation of the entity.
A string that describes the entity's high-level type with natural language.
A string that describes the entity's exact model or type.
The template used when creating this entity. Specifies minimum required components.
additional track required components: * location * mil_view
additional SPI required components: * location * mil_view * produced_by
additional asset required components: * location * mil_view * ontology
additional geo required components: * geo_shape * geo_details
additional SOI required components: * signal * location field should be populated if there is a fix. * mil_view * ontology
Details an entity's available sensors.
This generally is used to indicate a specific type at a more detailed granularity. E.g. COMInt or LWIR
sensor exists but is deliberately turned off
sensor is not operational but some reason other than being "Off" (e.g., equipment malfunction)
sensor is receiving information but in some reduced status (e.g., off calibration)
fully functional
sensor is being actively denied
The type of sensor
A human readable description of the sensor
RF configuration details of the sensor
Time of the latest detection from the sensor
Multiple fields of view for a single sensor component
Details an entity's available payloads.
Details the entity's power source.
This is a map where the key is a unique id of the power source and the value is additional information about the power source.
The primary data source provenance for this entity.
Name of the integration that produced this entity
Source data type of this entity. Examples: ADSB, Link16, etc.
An ID that allows an element from a source to be uniquely identified
The time, according to the source system, that the data in the entity was last modified. Generally, this should be the time that the source-reported time of validity of the data in the entity. This field must be updated with every change to the entity or else Entity Manager will discard the update.
Description of the modification source. In the case of a user this is the email address.
Provenance of override data.
override request id for an override request
proto field path which is the string representation of a field. example: correlated.primary_entity_id would be primary_entity_id in correlated component
new field value corresponding to field path. In the shape of an empty entity with only the changed value. example: entity: { mil_view: { disposition: Disposition_DISPOSITION_HOSTILE } }
status of the override
the override was applied to the entity.
the override is pending action.
the override has been timed out.
the override has been rejected
The override is pending deletion.
The type of the override, defined by the stage of the entity lifecycle that the entity was in when the override was requested.
The override type value was not set. This value is interpreted as OVERRIDE_TYPE_LIVE for backward compatibility.
Override was requested when the entity was live according to the Entity Manager instance that handled the request.
Override was requested after the entity expired according to the Entity Manager instance that handled the request.
Timestamp of the override request. The timestamp is generated by the Entity Manager instance that receives the request.
Describes an entity's specific characteristics and the operations that can be performed on the entity. For example, "simulated" informs the operator that the entity is from a simulation, and "deletable" informs the operator (and system) that the delete operation is valid against the entity.
Indicates the Entity should be egressed to external sources. Integrations choose how the egressing happens (e.g. if an Entity needs fuzzing).
A signal of arbitrary importance such that the entity should be globally marked for all users
The prioritization associated with an entity, such as if it's a threat or a high-value target.
Describes the target priority in relation to high value target lists.
Indicates whether the target matches any description from a high value target list.
The priority associated with the target. If the target's description appears on multiple high value target lists, the priority will be a reflection of the highest priority of all of those list's target description.
A lower value indicates the target is of a higher priority, with 1 being the highest possible priority. A value of 0 indicates there is no priority associated with this target.
All of the high value target descriptions that the target matches against.
Indicates whether the target is a 'High Payoff Target'. Targets can be one or both of high value and high payoff.
Describes whether the entity should be treated as a threat
Indicates that the entity has been determined to be a threat.
Describes an entity's signal characteristics, primarily used when an entity is a signal of interest.
Indicates a frequency of a signal (Hz) with its standard deviation.
Indicates the lowest measured frequency of a signal (Hz).
Indicates the maximum measured frequency of a signal (Hz).
Indicates the bandwidth of a signal (Hz).
Indicates the signal to noise (SNR) of this signal.
The direction pointing from this entity to the detection
The estimated distance of the detection
The maximum distance of the detection
Emitter notations associated with this entity.
confidence as a percentage that the emitter notation in this component is accurate
length in time of a single pulse
length in time between the start of two pulses
describes how a signal is observing the environment
A message describing any transponder codes associated with Mode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, S interrogations. These are related to ADS-B modes.
The mode 1 code assigned to military assets.
The Mode 2 code assigned to military assets.
The Mode 3 code assigned by ATC to the asset.
The validity of the response from the Mode 4 interrogation.
Note that INTERROGATION_INVALID indicates that the target has not been interrogated.
The Mode 5 transponder codes.
The validity of the response from the Mode 5 interrogation.
Note that INTERROGATION_INVALID indicates that the target has not been interrogated.
The Mode 5 code assigned to military assets.
The Mode 5 platform identification code.
The Mode S transponder codes.
Mode S identifier which comprises of 8 alphanumeric characters.
The Mode S ICAO aircraft address. Expected values are between 1 and 16777214 decimal. The Mode S address is considered unique.
Describes an entity's security classification levels at an overall classification level and on a per field level.
The default classification information which should be assumed to apply to everything in the entity unless a specific field level classification is present.
Classification level to be applied to the information in question.
Caveats that may further restrict how the information can be disseminated.
The set of individual field classification information which should always precedence over the default classification information.
Proto field path which is the string representation of a field.
example: signal.bandwidth_hz would be bandwidth_hz in the signal component
The information which makes up the field level classification marking.
A catalog of tasks that can be performed by an entity.
Url path must be prefixed with type.googleapis.com/
The relationships between this entity and other entities in the common operational picture (COP).
The entity ID to which this entity is related.
A unique identifier for this relationship. Allows removing or updating relationships.
The relationship type
Visual details associated with the display of an entity in the client.
The range rings to display around an entity.
The minimum range ring distance, specified in meters.
The maximum range ring distance, specified in meters.
The count of range rings.
The color of range rings, specified in hex string.
Physical dimensions of the entity.
Length of the entity in meters
Additional information about an entity's route.
Free form text giving the name of the entity's destination
Estimated time of arrival at destination
Schedules associated with this entity.
expression that represents this schedule's "ON" state
A unique identifier for this schedule.
The schedule type
Health metrics or connection status reported by the entity.
Status indicating whether the entity is able to communicate with Entity Manager.
Top-level health status; typically a roll-up of individual component healths.
Indicates that the component is operating as intended.
Indicates that the component is at risk of transitioning into a HEALTH_STATUS_FAIL state or that the component is operating in a degraded state.
Indicates that the component is not functioning as intended.
Indicates that the component is offline.
Indicates that the component is not yet functioning, but it is transitioning into a HEALTH_STATUS_HEALTHY state. A component should only report this state temporarily.
Health of individual components running on this Entity.
Consistent internal ID for this component.
Display name for this component.
Health for this component.
Indicates that the component is operating as intended.
Indicates that the component is at risk of transitioning into a HEALTH_STATUS_FAIL state or that the component is operating in a degraded state.
Indicates that the component is not functioning as intended.
Indicates that the component is offline.
Indicates that the component is not yet functioning, but it is transitioning into a HEALTH_STATUS_HEALTHY state. A component should only report this state temporarily.
Human-readable describing the component state. These messages should be understandable by end users.
The last update time for this specific component. If this timestamp is unset, the data is assumed to be most recent
The update time for the top-level health information. If this timestamp is unset, the data is assumed to be most recent
Active alerts indicate a critical change in system state sent by the asset that must be made known to an operator or consumer of the common operating picture. Alerts are different from ComponentHealth messages--an active alert does not necessarily indicate a component is in an unhealthy state. For example, an asset may trigger an active alert based on fuel levels running low. Alerts should be removed from this list when their conditions are cleared. In other words, only active alerts should be reported here.
Short, machine-readable code that describes this alert. This code is intended to provide systems off-asset with a lookup key to retrieve more detailed information about the alert.
Human-readable description of this alert. The description is intended for display in the UI for human understanding and should not be used for machine processing. If the description is fixed and the vehicle controller provides no dynamic substitutions, then prefer lookup based on alert_code.
Alert level (Warning, Caution, or Advisory).
For conditions that require awareness and may require subsequent response.
For conditions that require immediate awareness and subsequent response.
For conditions that require immediate awareness and response.
Time at which this alert was activated.
Set of conditions which have activated this alert.
Details for the group associated with this entity.
Contains relevant supply information for the entity, such as fuel.
unique fuel identifier
long form name of the fuel source.
timestamp the information was reported
amount of gallons on hand
how much the asset is allowed to have available (in gallons)
minimum required for operations (in gallons)
fuel in a single asset may have different levels of classification use case: fuel for a SECRET asset while diesel fuel may be UNCLASSIFIED
source of information
Orbit information for space objects.
Orbit Mean Elements data, analogous to the Orbit Mean Elements Message in CCSDS 502.0-B-3
Indicates that this entity was generated from a snapshot of a live entity.
The networked owner of this Task. It is used to ensure that linear writes occur on the node responsible for replication of task data to other nodes running Task Manager.
Entity ID of the owner.